Lunar Odyssey
Immersive VR lunar experience of what would have felt like an Apollo mission with a gaming aspect
Built in Unreal Engine 5, Lunar Odyssey is an immersive, first-person VR celestial experience, depicting details of the Apollo Missions and the Lunar Lander, the moon surface and Apollo-era technology with impressive accuracy. There are two modes: Escape, the gamified version of launching the Lunar Lander to head back home; and Free Roam, where the user can explore the surface of the moon by walking, ride around in an accurate Lunar Rover, or play the fun Space Golf.
Architecture multiple gameplay systems, including the Lunar Rover and Escape
Implement gameplay mechanics which included:
The driving of the Rover
A quest and objective system for Escape
Interactivity between the user and their surroundings
A dynamic waypoint system
Develop a dynamic, full body IK system for VR