
A virtual reality theme park, made up of three different lands that fight to be the most popular area in the park.
Edenfall, a junior studio project developed collaboratively, represents an innovative virtual reality theme park designed to immerse visitors in three uniquely crafted areas: Proteus, a futuristic high-tech city; Myrfell Forest, a realm filled with terror and formidable creatures; and Timberwood Grove, an enchanting land of magic and wonder. Each area is defined by a distinct genre and competes for visitors' votes to be acclaimed the best land of the day. The winning area is celebrated at day's end with a special ceremony, marked by its control over the central monolith crystal, symbolizing its victory.
Developed Edenfall's origin story, enhancing immersive gameplay with detailed lore.
Produced thematic signage materials for enhanced navigation and consistency across lands.
Crafted VFX for each area, augmenting the visual and immersive experience.
Created end-game celebration concept reel, visually celebrating the winning land.
Developed an intro VFX reel to showcase park celebrations, setting an enchanting tone.
Produced a cinematic video and lore booklet for visitors, detailing Edenfall's history.